Stability and Hydro stability calculation program-CHYDRO
CHYDRO is a complete hydrostatics and stability calculation program. It performs intact and damaged analyses and produces customizable stability reports which are accepted by all major approval bodies. Our company has its full intellectual property rights, it can be developed according to our customers’ special requirements.
CHYDRO is a general calculation engine, the calculation principle can simulate the true floating condition for all kinds of floating construction not only for the hull body. It can calculate the reaction of the model to various conditions such as a loading configuration, a damage situation, conditions involving outside forces, wind or high speed turning momentum or some combination of these. Waves and wind velocity and direction may be specified.
Chydro involves two functional modules
- 3D model establishing module
- Stability and longitudinal strength analyses module
Automatic Report Generation Features:
- Hydrostatics, cross curves and righting arms
- Longitudinal strength calculations
- Floodable length calculations
- Intact Stability Calculations
- Damage Stability Calculation(certainty damage& Probabilistic damage)
- Tank capacities, sounding/ullage tables
- Grain stability calculations
- Sounding/ullage correction table
- Loading management for Containers
- Inclining test report and vessel launch calculations.